1,430 research outputs found

    The Moderating Effects of Organisational Culture on the Relationship Between Leadership Style and Employee Commitment to Change of Public Sector in Yemen

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    Employee commitment to change is a crucial factor of a successful change process that can be enhanced by having effective leadership and supportive organisational culture. The present study was designed to examine the relationship between leadership style and employee commitment to change with organisational culture as a moderating variable. The study was carried-out in public sector in Yemen. The study used transformational and transactional model of leadership to determine employee commitment to change. A quantitative approach was mainly conducted in this study. In order to achieve the main objectives of this study, data were collected from employees of public sector in Yemen. Hierarchical regression analysis was then conducted to examine the moderating effects of the organisational culture on the relationship between leadership style and employee commitment to change dimensions. The results from the regression analysis revealed that transformational and transactional leadership were positively associated with all the dimensions of employee commitment to change; namely affective, continuance and normative. Moreover, the findings showed that transactional leadership had stronger effect on the employee commitment to change compared to transformational leadership. Furthermore, the results also showed that organisational culture plays an important role, which it moderated the relationship between leadership style and employee commitment to change. The study may contribute to the body of knowledge on the change management, and on both leadership and organisational culture perspective. Furthermore, the originality of the research lies in the change management area particularly on the human elements. It is also provided comprehensive practical recommendations for organisations, employees, and leaders to guide them to manage change successfull

    Effectiveness of HRD for developing SMEs in South Asia

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    Today South Asia is host to a large youth bulge which is entering the labor market every year posing challenging questions for the national governments in the context of employable skills, space for entrepreneurship, innovation and economic freedom. SME sector provides an opportunity for the young to exercise their ideas and ideals. However a prerequisite for the young to be innovate is the how countries produce and retain a high end human capital. This study provides a review of national socio-economic policies in South Asian region - which answer such challenges.human resource development, small and medium enterprises, economic growth, competitiveness

    Using Pomegranate Peel Extract to Change the Adverse Effect of Ethephon by Enhancing its Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, and Anti-apoptotic Effects in Rats

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    المبيد الحشري الفسفوري العضوي ومنظم للنمو المسمى بالإيثيفون (2- كلورو إيثيل حامض الفوسفونيك) يستخدم على نطاق واسع كمسرع لعملية النضج ومثبط لمدة الزراعة. تم مؤخرًا أخذ مستخلص قشر الرمان (PPE) في الاعتبار نظرًا لتأثيراته الدوائية خاصة تلك المرتبطة بأمراض الكلى. وبالتالي ، كان الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو فحص في التأثير الوقائي المحتمل لمستخلص قشر الرمان ضد السمية الكلوية التي يسببها الإيثيفون في الجرذان. في هذه الدراسة, تم إنشاء أربع مجموعات من ذكور الجرذان البالغة (ن = 15) ، مجموعة التحكم ، مستخلص قشر الرمان 400 ملغم / كغم ، الإيثيفون 250 ملغم / كغم ، مستخلص قشر الرمان + الإيثيفون بنفس جرعة مجموعة مستخلص قشر الرمان ومجموعة الإيثيفون. معلمات وظائف الكلى: KLM-1 والكرياتينين واليوريا ؛ علامات الإجهاد التأكسدي: الهيم أوكسيجينيز -1 (HO-1) والعامل النووي 2 المرتبط بالعامل 2 (Nrf2) ؛ الجلوتاثيون (GSH) مع الإنزيمات المرتبطة به: أكسيد النيتريك (NO) ، ديسميوتيز الفائق (SOD) ، malondialdehyde (MDA) و catalase (CAT). بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تم فحص وسطاء الالتهاب الكلوي: إنترلوكين 1 بيتا (IL-1β) ، عامل نخر الورم ألفا (TNF-α) ، العامل النووي كابا ب (NF-κB). كما تم دراسة المؤشرات الحيوية لموت الخلايا (Bax، caspase 3، Bcl2) بالإضافة إلى فحص البيانات المرضية لأنسجة الكلى. أظهرت النتائج أن الإيثيفون أدى إلى زيادة معنوية في علامات الأكسدة ، وانخفاض في مستويات مضادات الأكسدة، مصحوبًا بإصابة الأنسجة الكلوية المؤكسدة. وبالتالي ، تم االاستنتاج أن إعطاء الإيثيفون يؤدي إلى إفراز العوامل المؤيدة للالتهابات. علاوة على ذلك ، أظهرت النتائج النسيجية المرضية وجود تشوهات في أنسجة الكلى تعزى إلى التعرض للإيثيفون. ومن المثير للاهتمام ، أن اعطاء مستخلص قشر الرمان مع الإيثيفون أدت إلى تحسين كبير في التغيرات الكيميائية الحيوية والنسيجية الناتجة عن الإيثيفون. تقترح النتائج الحالية التأثير المحتمل لمستخلص قشر الرمان في حماية الأنسجة الكلوية من السمية الكلوية التي يسببها الإيثيفون في الجرذان.Organophosphorus insecticide and growth regulator namely Ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid) are widely used as a ripening process accelerator and a cultivation duration inhibitor. Pomegranate extract (PPE) has recently been taken into consideration due to its pharmacological effects especially those associated with renal diseases. Thus, this study aims to investigate the possible protective effect of PPE against ethephon-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. In this study four groups of adult male rats were divided into control group, PPE 400 mg/kg group, Ethephon 250 mg/kg group, and finally, PPE + Ethephon group (treated with the same dose of PPE group and Ethephon group). In the current study, kidney function parameters (KIM-1, creatinine, and urea) along with oxidative stress markers, heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and nuclear factor erythroid 2–related factor 2 (Nrf2), glutathione (GSH) and its correlated enzymes, nitric oxide (NO), superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA) and catalase (CAT) were estimated. Additionally, mediators of renal inflammation: interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) were measured. Apoptotic biomarkers (Bax, caspase 3, and Bcl2) in addition to renal histopathological data were also investigated. Results revealed that Ethephon elicited a significant increase in oxidation markers and reduced antioxidant levels, accompanied by oxidative renal tissue injury. Consequently, administration of Ethephon was reported to provoke secretion of the pro-inflammatory mediators. Moreover, histopathological results showed that deformities in the renal tissues were noticed which is attributed to Ethephon exposure. Interestingly, co-administration of PPE and Ethephon resulted in significantly ameliorated the biochemical and histopathological alterations produced by Ethephon. Current results propose the potential effect of PPE in the protection of renal tissue from Ethephon induced nephrotoxicity in rats

    Organisational culture, leadership styles and employee’s affective commitment to change: A case of Yemen public sector

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of leadership style on the affective commitment to change, moderated by the organisational culture. The research adopts both qualitative and quantitative approaches through a survey with 371 employees of public organisations in Yemen, as well as interviews with the managers. The findings showed that the transformational leadership was positively related to the employee’s affective commitment to change; similar to the transactional leadership that was positively related to the affective commitment to change.The results showed that organisational culture had positively moderated the relationship between the leadership styles and employee affective commitment to change. Finally, the findings revealed that the transactional leadership was a strong predictor to affective commitment to change compared with the transformational leadership

    The factors effecting employee commitment to change in public sector: Evidence from Yemen

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    This study attempted to investigate the moderating effect of organizational culture between the leadership style and normative commitment to change.The study relied on the data collected from 371 employees of Yemeni public sector.The finding of this study shows that organizational culture plays an important role of moderating the relationship between leadership style either transformational or transactional and normative commitment to change. Furthermore, the results light out that the transformational leadership is positively related with normative commitment to change.In the same line, transactional leadership is found to be not only positively related with normative commitment to change but also as stronger effect on it.This study was carried out with numerous limitations as example is cross sectional was conducted in this study and this could not figure out the effect pre and after change, thus longitude study is highly recommend in order to look in deep and compare the result. Not only this but also there may conduce in another sector and industry, it may come out with different light.With believing of different culture and its effect, future study can be conducted in different research context.This research has figured out the weakness of empirical study in change management literatures by connecting the leadership style, and organizational culture, and how they are associated to employee normative commitment to change.In the same way, it has provided a guideline for the public sectors in general and particularly in Yemen context on how to successfully implement change phenomena as well as how to get effective and efficient leadership with change management

    Comparison of conventional tractors performance during primary tillage in Iran

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    Primary tillage parameters and their effects on tractor efficiency, fuel consumption management and cost reduction are very important in mechanization.  The main goal of this study was to determine some performance parameters in three conventional tractors Massey Ferguson 285(MF 285), Universal 650 (U650) and John Deer 3140 (JD3140) to primary tillage practices in some area of Iran.  These parameters are important for selecting tractors to set up mechanization program in a large scale.  The sampling method was random in 10 regions with seven replications.  After data gathering, results were analyzed using SPSS software.  Results indicated that average drawbar power for plowing without considering of area and tractor type was 15 kW.  The maximum and minimum drawbar powers were 19.20 kW and 11.10 kW for Esfahan and Fars areas respectively at 1% level significance.  There were significant differences between values of rolling resistance of JD3140 tractor with other tractors at 1% level of significance.  Besides, no significant differences were observed between tractors of U650 and MF285.  Slippage percentage was similar for most areas.  The maximum and minimum slippage was recorded for MF285 tractor in Moghan area and JD3140 tractor in Esfahan area respectively.  The optimum soil moisture was 15% for slippage reduction.  Average Power Delivery Efficiency (PDE) was 25.5%.  It was low in comparison with world standards and requires improvement.  Tractor of JD3140 had maximum fuel consumption (0.012 m3 h-1) as compared to other types of tractor.  Use of the U650 tractor was recommended to farmer and other data can be used for mechanization programs.   Keywords: drawbar power, primary tillage, slippage, primary tillage parameters, rolling resistanc

    Urban and Architectural Impacts of Religious Visits on the Architecture of Holy Shrines: The Case of Al Attaba Al Alaweya

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    تشكل الزيارة الدينية للعتبات المقدسة جانباً مهماً من حياة وسلوك المسلمين نظرا لارتباطها بقناعة عقائدية وروحية قائمة على احاديث وأقوال متواتره من الرسول الأعظم محمد (ص) واهل بيتة الأطهار المقدسين(ع)  هو ان الإمام المقصود بالزيارة حاضر يسمع السلام ويرده. للزيارة وقع على القلب من الناحية الروحية إضافة إلى طلب الشفاعة عندهم كونهم من المقربين عند الله، والزيارة لأي إمام هي زيارة للنبي وكذلك فكأنما زار عرش الله. ان أهمية الزيارة ومن ثم أعداد الزائرين تشكل من الناحية المعمارية والتخطيطية معياراً مهما في تطور وتغير عمارة العتبة والنسيج الحضري المتاخم لها لما تتضمنه من أبعاد وظيفية وسلوكية اجتماعية وثقافية علاوة على مراسيم وتقاليد الزيارة أثناء المناسبات الدينية. مشكلة البحث عدم وجود تصور معرفي واضح للتأثيرات العمرانية والحضرية للزيارات الدينية في عمارة العتبات المقدسة. هدف البحث دراسة وتحليل مدى تأثير مفهوم الزيارة وأعداد الزائرين في تطور عمارة العتبة والنسيج العمراني المحيط. وتتناول مديات استيعاب الفضاءات الحضرية للأعداد المتزايدة من الزائرين وفعالياتهم الدينية والاجتماعية والثقافية وضرورة دراستها كمعيار وظيفي في تطور عمارة العتبات بشكل عام والعتبة العلوية المقدسة موضوع البحث بشكل خاص.The religious visit to the holy shrines is an important aspect of the life and behavior of Muslims because of the connection to a religious and spiritual conviction based on frequent statements sayings by the great Prophet Muhammad and his holy family, that the imam intended to visit is present is hearing and responding the greeting. The visit has its impact on the heart from the spiritual point of view, in addition to the request for intercession because they are close to Allah. The visit to any imam is a visit to the Prophet, also as if he visited the throne of God. The importance of the visit and then the number of visitors from an architectural and planning point of view form important criterion in the development and change of the architecture of the threshold and the urban adjacent fabric because its include the behavioral, social and cultural functional dimensions, as well as the decrees and traditions of the visit during religious events. The absence of a clear knowledge of the architectural and urban influences of religious visits in the building of the holy shrines, The aim of this paper is to study and analyze the impact of the concept of the visit and the number of visitors in the development of the architecture of the threshold and surrounding urban fabric. It also deals with the ability of accommodating the urban spaces of the increasing numbers of visitors and their religious, social and cultural activities and the need to study them as a functional criterion in the development of the architecture of the thresholds in general and the Imam Ali threshold and sacred subject matter in particula

    The Effect of the Constants and Variables of the Architecture of the Holy Shrines in the Adjacent Urban Fabric

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    إن من ثوابت عمارة العتبات المقدسة هي ارتباط عمارتها بقيم الدين الإسلامي وكثرة الزيارات وأعداد الزائرين إليها، لقد مرت حقب زمنية والزائرين في حالة تزايد لذا لجاْ القائمون عليها باتخاذ قرار التغير والتطوير سابقا، والذي كان يتلاءم مع زيادة الأعداد مع بقاء الثوابت العمرانية والمتعلقة بعمارتها المقدسة. ثم ان النسيج المتاخم لها يتغير تبعاً للتغير الذي يحصل في عمارتها، كما يشكل النسيج المتاخم وحدة واحدة مع عتباتها فبقي محافظاً على هيئته طوال قرون مضت. وفي ثلاثينيات القرن المنصرم تأثر نسيجها بقرار هدم أسوار المدن عامة ومنها مدن العتبات المقدسة، وفتح شوارع وذلك لتسهيل حركة مرور السيارات ووصول الزائرين بانسيابية عالية كما خطَط له في حينه. مشكلة البحث على الرغم من وضع مخططات اساس لمدن العتبات المقدسة بسبب تزايد أعداد الزائرين، ولكنها لم تفِ بحل المشكلة المطلوبة. هدف البحث أعتماد الزائر، وفعاليات الزائرين، والفضاءات التي تشغلها الفعاليات، والأنشطة الدينية، والعقائدية علاوة على الانشطة الثقافية، والاجتماعية معياراً مهماً في عمارة العتبة ونسيجها المتاخم الذي تأثر بازدياد الزائرين والذي لم يعد كافياً لهم ولا للفعاليات التي تقام في عموم المناسبات الدينية وعلى مدار السنة.Among the constants of holy attba building is the connection of its architecture with the values of the Islamic religion and the number of visits and the number of visitors to it. Time has passed and visitors are in a state of increasing, so their founders have taken the decision of change and development previously, which was compatible with the increase in numbers and maintaining the constants of the sacred architecture. The adjacent fabric changes according to the change in its holly architecture, and the adjacent fabric forms one unit with its attba, maintaining its shape for centuries. In the 1930s, its fabric was affected by the decision to demolish the walls of cities in general, including the holy cities, to open roads to facilitate the traffic movements of cars and the arrival of visitors with high speed as planned at the time. The Research problem despite  the development of master plans for the Holy City cities because of the increase in the number of visitors, but did not solve the problem required. The aim of the research is to identify the visitor, the activities of the visitors, the spaces occupied by the activities, the religious and ideological activities, as well as the cultural and social activities, an important criterion in the holy attba building and its adjacent fabric, which has been affected by the increase of visitors and which is no longer sufficient for the activities generally been done throughout the year

    Role of Computerized Physician Order Entry Usability in the Reduction of Prescribing Errors

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    Some hospitals have implemented computerized physician order entry (CPOE) systems to reduce the medical error rates. However, research in this area has been very limited, especially regarding the impact of CPOE use on the reduction of prescribing errors. Moreover, the past studies have dealt with the overall impact of CPOE on the reduction of broadly termed "medical errors", and they have not specified which medical errors have been reduced by CPOE. Furthermore, the majority of the past research in this field has been either qualitative or has not used robust empirical techniques. This research examined the impacts of usability of CPOE systems on the reduction of doctors' prescribing errors. Methods: One hundred and sixty-six questionnaires were used for quantitative data analyses. Since the data was not normally distributed, partial least square path modelling-as the second generation of multivariate data analyses-was applied to analyze data. Results: It was found that the ease of use of the system and information quality can significantly reduce prescribing errors. Moreover, the user interface consistency and system error prevention have a significant positive impact on the perceived ease of use. More than 50% of the respondents believed that CPOE reduces the likelihood of drug allergy, drug interaction, and drug dosing errors thus improving patient safety. Conclusions: Prescribing errors in terms of drug allergy, drug interaction, and drug dosing errors are reduced if the CPOE is not error-prone and easy to use, if the user interface is consistent, and if it provides quality information to doctors

    A New Methodology for Allocation of Stabilizers in Uncontrollable poles of multi-machine power systems

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    One of the main problems in power systems is dynamic stability and damping of Electromechanical  oscillations which for this reason power system stabilizers are being used and the method for determining the location of stabilizer for the purpose of damping critical modes, is using participation factors, in which controllability and observability of modes have influence. The real value or the amplitude of participation factor is usually used as evaluation criterion, while in case that the real values of participation factors are close, the imaginary part of these coefficients are also influential, and if the imaginary part of coefficients are either negative or positive, different results will be obtained. The method introduced in this paper, in modes that the value of participation factors are close to each other, priority for the placement of generator, installation of stabilizer and the optimum value for the stabilizer's gain, is very accurate and appropriate.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v3i1.183